When facing difficulties in our jobs, finances, health and families we are experiencing a life that seems to be the exact opposite of what we’ve worked hard to achieve: security, happiness, safety, and health. How might a spiritual approach make any difference in circumstances that seem to come from a hard and hostile world?
What is “spiritual” is best understood next to it’s opposite: Material. “Material” refers to what is physical and can be perceived through sensory perception. Spiritual refers to what is non-material.
To understand God, it is important to understand that God is unimaginable Reality; we have to be capable of knowing that which cannot be imagined.
Infinite Love-Intelligence, the Metapsychiatric name for God, implies an infinite source of ideas. These ideas are not duplications of one another; they are unique in content and...

In Metapsychiatry there are no rules, no “shoulds,” and no credentialed course of study. It is existential and non-operational. Each individual comes to the study through their own interest bringing the circumstances of their life that need healing. In Metapsychiatry each individual is recognized as a living soul, on a unique journey toward enlightenment. Yet rarely does an individual go through this process on their own. Through PAGL groups and one-on-one dialogue the principles and ideas of Metapsychiatry become realized through seeking understanding to our questions and relief from suffering.
Joy just is. It’s not in the lights or the stars, in getting or giving presents; nor is it in gathering with friends and family, although one might, or might not, be aware of joy in any of these experiences. Experiences come and go; joy is a spiritual quality that is unchanging. It manifests through awareness of it.
Life Stores Using Principles of Metapsychiatry

Seed: a story about growing...
Seed finds itself on a journey to share the best of who it is with all life. Landing next to a boulder on a cliff her growth is stunted and sorrow abounds. Seed discovers what life really is even when circumstances are harsh.
There is a saying, “Laws are made to be broken.” But if we understand God as an “Is system,” it will make no sense at all to violate it. For instance, if we know that gravitation is, it is clear that no one in his right mind would want to challenge it by jumping out of the window.